During the cold, dark months of the year, you should be cozy and warm. And you can be — with a bit of preparation. Right now is the perfect time to make sure everything around the homestead is in order, and it pays to use a checklist.
Break the tasks down into five categories: home indoors, home outdoors, yard and garden, garage and equipment, and animal care.
Home (Indoor)
- Get your chimney cleaned and inspected.
- Clean glass and interior of wood stove.
- Stock up on firestarters.
- Replace stores of candles, lamp fuel and matches.
- Fill that pantry with preserves from your harvest.

Home (Outdoor)
- Check storm windows for damage.
- Inspect the roof for loose or missing shingles.
- Disconnect and store garden hoses, and check outside hydrants for leaks.
- Insulate any non-freeze proof hydrants or faucets.
- Remove leaves from foundation and gutters.
- Protect your woodpile from snow and rain with a tarp or cover; chop more wood if needed.
Yard and Garden:
- Clean debris from any culverts and outside drains.
- Check asphalt and concrete for cracks (fill and seal if needed).
- Mulch young trees and flower beds.
- Clean up garden debris, stow away tomato cages, beanpoles, etc.
Garage and Equipment:
- Clean and store lawn equipment for the winter.
- Sharpen chainsaw chain and fill with fresh fuel and oil.
- Sharpen axe, maul and hatchet, and tighten handles.
- Touch up edge on snow shovels; check handles.
- Check supply of oils and lubricants, windshield washer fluid, antifreeze, etc.
Animal Care
- Prepare shelter and water sources.
- Stockpile hay and straw.
- Make sure all fencing is secure.
- Check animals for health issues, such as ticks or mites.
Along with making sure you’re checking things off your list, keep a winter emergency box in your house.
You can purchase an entire emergency supply kit from Lehman’s or assemble your own with a hand cranked radio/flashlight, oil lamp and fuel, matches, water purification tables, canned food and a canner opener.
As with any task, looking at everything on the list can seem like a daunting and major undertaking, but if you start now and work at it steadily, it won’t be overwhelming!