Be Prepared, Not Scared

September is National Preparedness Month
Be Prepared, Not Scared
Be Prepared, Not Scared

Written by: Glenda Lehman Ervin, Lehman's

September is National Preparedness Month - the perfect time to ensure you have what you need to keep your family safe and warm this winter in case of a national disaster or power outage.

Heat, food, light and water are the four categories you should think about.


The ideal solution is a wood burning stove, which runs solely on wood and doesn't need electricity. You can also cook on some models. Heating and cooking with wood is very economical if you have access to free firewood, like from the woods on your property.

Heating and cooking with wood is a lifestyle change so if you aren't ready to go all in, invest in really warm blankets like the ones the Amish use to keep warm in their buggies during Ohio's frigid winters.


Being in a pitch-black house or barn is no fun. With an oil lamp, you can safely read, cook, or do chores when the power is out. An Aladdin lamp will also put out enough heat to take the chill out of the air especially in an enclosed space, like a bedroom.


Be sure to have shelf-stable food and enough water for three days on hand (one gallon per person). Canned, fermented, pickled or dehydrated foods will keep for a long time without being refrigerated. Freeze dried foods will last up to 25 years in your pantry!


If you aren't able to install a water pump, buy a water filter. The most powerful ones will turn unsanitary creek water back into safe drinking water.

With a little planning you can be prepared, not scared!

Learn more here:

Wood stores:

Lap robe:

Lamps and lighting:



The Simple Life is Presented by Lehman's - Find more from Lehman's

August 16, 2023

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