As If We Need A Reason

As If We Need A Reason
As If We Need A Reason

The top 8 differences in living the country life

Whether you’ve lived in the country your entire life or decided to be a transplant from the city, there are certain advantages and disadvantages to living in the country.

Here are the top eight biggest adjustments and habits of what it means to live in the country:

1. No Uber! If you’re used to the city life, taxis, Uber or Lyft can be a great way to get around. If you decide to have a couple cocktails, no worries! A designated driver is only a few dollars away and can be quite convenient.

On the flip side, living in the country means you have to have a better plan to responsibly and easily get around and reliable transport is a must. The good news? Often times car insurance policies have lower rates for rural areas if you decide to purchase that dream truck of yours that rides like a dream.

2. Quiet, lower cost of living. I lived in downtown Chicago for much of my twenties and can honestly say I don’t miss it one bit. While the ease of making friends and the “hustle and bustle” lifestyle can be a lot of fun, the cost of living says it all. $2,000 a month in rent? No thanks. In the country that money goes much further...most likely on several acres, surrounded by the quiet stars and peaceful chirps of frogs and crickets.

Oh, and kiss those daunting parking meters and paid lots goodbye.

3. Shopping. Forget your daily Starbucks run. Thinking about going to your favorite department store? Might not be that simple. However, with the ease of online shopping and free shipping through memberships like Amazon Prime or meal delivery service, is in person shopping even a necessity anymore? You decide.

4. No traffic! This one is probably my favorite. Looking for a parking place in the country? Hate parallel parking? No problem! Say “so long” to traffic jams unless of course, you’re stuck behind a tractor. In which case, turn up the music and enjoy the ride!

Farmers feed us, so allow them to do their jobs with a warm wave and a smile. :)

5. Diet and exercise habits. This could go either way as you’re busy working on the farm! Generally speaking, the farm life can be so hectic you might not feel like cooking. You could also get a ton of exercise with heavy farm lifting and walking or you may spend hours sitting in a tractor which may reduce your ability to exercise. Your closest gym or fitness center could be a long ways away and grocery stores may be limited on healthier options. With growing enough of your own fresh and healthy foods like meat, eggs, fruits and veggies, however, following a healthy farm fresh diet could be a breeze!

6. Love to travel? Great, so do I! But in rural communities you might not be very close to an airport, so get used to adding on additional commute time. Or do what so many other so...take a road trip or go RVing!

The farm life, however, does pose additional challenges with getting away. Livestock and crops need constant attention and the work can include very long hours. So, find some good employees or family members to cover for you while you’re gone, if necessary.

7. Stars, bugs, natural beauty. Hey nature lovers! Do you enjoy seeing wild animals like deer and interesting birds in your backyard? The farm life just might be for you. Sit back with a beer in that beautiful backyard of yours with peace and quiet, while gazing at the stars with your friends, family, and perfect farm dog.

8. Family values. Farmers put the “family” in family farm. If you’re raised in or hang out with farmers and ranchers, you’ll quickly realize that family is everything. The morals and values are wonderful when marriage and children are held dear and passing the farm down to the next generation is of the utmost importance. There’s just nothing better than regularly being so close to those whom you so dearly cherish.

So what does the country life mean to you? Maybe as you read this list you decide some of these items are a good thing or a bad thing in your own personal journey of lifestyle desires. Regardless, ask any farmer and they’ll usually tell you that it’s in their blood and couldn’t see themselves doing anything else.

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