Lease Your Land for Hunting

Lease Your Land for Hunting
Lease Your Land for Hunting

Attracting hunters can bring in dollars to your acreage

Leasing your land to hunters is a great way to earn passive income. It doesn’t matter if your acres are covered with farmland, woodland, or anything in between. Every type of terrain can be hunted on.

Now, attracting initial customers may prove to be a challenge. It can be harder or easier, depending on the land’s location, but it usually takes some time before you get noticed.

So, to make things move faster for you, here’s an actionable tip on how to promote your offer.

Three words: species-specific hunting

Figure out what kinds of game animals live on your land. Then, point that out when advertising it.

Big game such as whitetail deer is the most popular right now. Suppose you've got some of those running around your acreage; finding someone to lease it to shouldn't be a big problem. The latter is especially true if you own woodland in Mississippi, Pennsylvania, or Wisconsin.

Smaller animals like hares and pheasants have their "audience," too. Unlike most big games, they don't live in heavily wooded areas. The chances are that anyone who owns some arable land can find these species on their property.

If you’re not sure whether there’s any game on your land, do not despair. You can try to attract some! There are various ways to do this, and you can pick the one that suits your type of terrain.

As you can see, none of this is rocket science. It takes a bit of effort, but the payoff will be more than worth it.

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