Find Your Flock’s Fit

A Guide to Selecting Egg Layers, Meat Birds and More
Find Your Flock’s Fit
Find Your Flock’s Fit

Starting your chicken-keeping journey is exciting but can feel overwhelming with so many breeds to choose from. Each type of chicken has unique traits tailored to specific needs, whether you're after abundant eggs, flavorful meat or a charming backyard display. Understanding your goals and the characteristics of various breeds is the first step toward building the perfect flock for your lifestyle.

Let’s review how to choose the type of chickens you want to order. Believe it or not, not all chickens are the same! To help guide your decision-making process, think of chickens in groups which include egg layers, meat birds, dual-purpose birds, ornamental birds and bantams.

Egg Layers

These breeds are specially bred to lay the most eggs with the least amount of feed. Many are hybrids, meaning breeders mix two or more types of birds to highlight the best egg-laying qualities of both. A popular hybrid chicken is the Red Sex Link, a cross between a Rhode Island White female and a Rhode Island Red male. The result is a "super layer" that can produce over 250 eggs per year.

Meat Birds

Like egg layers, certain breeds are specifically bred to produce the most meat, while consuming minimal feed. Hybrids in this group grow quickly and can be ready for processing in as little as seven weeks to eight weeks. The most common example is the Cornish Rock hybrid, a mix of Cornish and Plymouth Rock birds. These birds have white feathers and pale skin, which dress nicely for sale.

While Cornish Rocks are the most popular meat birds, I prefer raising Red Rangers or Red Broilers. Although they take longer to mature, these slower-growing birds are more active and enjoyable to raise. Many beginners also prefer them over the Cornish Rock Cross. A quick tip: meat birds require a higher protein diet to support rapid growth. Feed stores typically sell a meat maker blend for this purpose — be sure to follow the instructions and feed it from the time you get your birds until harvest.

Dual-Purpose Birds

Dual-purpose breeds are extremely popular among backyard farmers. While they’re not the best at either egg production or meat yield, they’re good at both. Examples include Rhode Island Reds, New Hampshires, Buckeyes and Brahmas.

Many people raising these birds will harvest the males for meat at around 17 weeks of age and keep the females for egg production. The meat from dual-purpose birds tends to be slightly tougher and more gamey than supermarket chicken or that of specialized meat birds, but one advantage of these types of birds is that you can breed them yourself, either naturally or using an incubator.

Ornamental Birds

Ornamental birds are bred for their unique and striking appearances. They might have top hats, crests, beards, muffs or feathered legs. Since they’re bred for looks rather than production, don’t expect them to excel at laying eggs or producing meat.

That said, ornamental birds can still surprise you with their egg production. For example, I’ve had Polish birds in my flock that consistently laid cream-colored eggs, which I enjoyed myself or shared with neighbors.


Bantams are miniature versions of standard chickens. They’re great for people who want chickens but don’t have the space or resources for larger breeds. For instance, a standard Rhode Island Red weighs around 8 pounds, while its bantam counterpart is about 4 pounds, eating half as much feed and requiring less space.

This makes bantams especially appealing to urban farmers or anyone who wants fresh eggs but doesn’t mind if they’re smaller.

Now that you know the basics, let’s talk about what I recommend for a new chicken keeper: whichever type you choose! Try different breeds, and over time, you’ll discover the right birds for your flock, all while enjoying the journey.

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